Along with realistic weapons, comes realistic damage. 2.6 is already a massive leap forward in quality, with improved meshes, textures, anims, sounds, etc. When we overhauled the Leveled Lists, we also overhauled who sells and deals in MF weapons. Basic rule of thumb: If there are multiple versions of a mod, go with whatever one has the latest/highest version number or has the most recent “Uploaded/Created” date. It was on the Nexus and then moved off the Nexus to an external webpage and is no to the point of being almost impossible to find. Bethesda always offer something extra for the PC community with their games and Fallout 4 is no different. So yes, a single round of 20x102mm really is that damn heavy & if you think the 88mm stuff is too heavy, be glad ‘Sheep overruled us there.

But we still have perms from some of the bigger names in the field to use their work. Filename MF_2.4_-_Release_Sep_27.7z Category Demo. Bethesda - For the gameGambit77 - Weaponmsith Extended 2Idlesheep - Modern FirearmsBrowncoatGarrus - New Calibers, This mod is not opted-in to receive Donation Points.

The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account. You should already know the answer to this, but we’ll explain it again. Guns and Bullets, stylized as Guns & Bullets, is a perk magazine in Fallout 4 that gives the player character ranks of the Guns and Bullets perk. Thankfully, a few users of the mod have stepped up and are helping us out anim-wise. You can find the armor package here, named Modern Armors – Downloads. Also updated Realistic Ballistics to the new improvements and latest New Calibers patch (download link below). Eg: Settings Holotape for damage adjust, stagger toggle, & debug container access, and aid items for weapon function toggles. It has a gun a really good gun, by the looks of it. All of the in-game ammo weights, with the exception of the 88mm shells, are accurate to within a few grains. If the damage is too much, please consider using the MCM Menu or Settings Holotape, both introduced in 2.6.1, to reduce the damage to a level you feel comfortable with. The purpose of this mod is to combine the assets of the two largest weapon packs, while ensuring they are compatible, feel balanced, and show up at vendors and on enemies. Activating one of the scripted functions or just bashing whatever’s in front of you will work too. Fallout 4 is out, and you can play it RIGHT NOW!How exciting is that? No.

The weapons have such high damage because the aim of this mod is to bring realistic weapons into the world of Fallout.