I prefer the mechanics of CIV3 actually, although some of the exponensial algorithms of it doomed any game to failure, if one let it last too long, but I loved tinkering around with the editor and creating my own rules. I can only assume it maybe has to do with the nations peacefulness? More harmless nations cause more extreme warmongering to occupy? I'm also not sure what makes for minor, major or extreme warmongering. + ball rolling, Russia's buds and friends denounce me, and in a snap I am without allies. I denounce when they ask me to, and I back them up. We form a "block", but Russia is my closest ally, so I agree with everything. Once again I found myself doing tough sacrifices - which I consider to be "hard diplomatics", and I'm fine with that, I needed Russia to be on my side, so I side with Russia in everything. It's not so much a hard AI, it's the unpredictable AI. Oh and then the "can we have ALL your money plz? Yes all of it. I won't put my army in the ocean, fuck off. Okay, how far away? Into the ocean? I move them a tile away, but they keep asking, so now I assume I have to move them a whole turn-movement away, which usually means - into the ocean. Other diplomatic nuggets: Move your armies away from our borders. Untill your relations are SO improved, you can forget about improving relations o_.

And it's a perfect catch 22 also: You can only give gifts, to improve relations, if you allready have relations outstanding enough to warrant a friendship-pact. A few turns later, they all attacked that nation, multiple nation invasion, I stayed out of it, but it was only a matter of time before that diplomatic sacrifice was thrown out the window when they too ultimately denounced me, for being so damn denounced.Įither there is something superclever here I'm not getting, or this is the dumbest Civ AI so far. I would not oblige - instant denouncement, followed by a steady followup of practically everyone else asking me the same thing, wanting me to denounce this nation. Just now I ragequit a big map where I was trying to maintain such a block, untill one of them asked me to denounce my closest ally, the one asking me was a "friendship pact" buddy as well. Sometimes there is an emergence of blocks, one block denouncing another, but its very difficult to stay in a block, because before you know it - one of your own buddies denounce you, and the ball rolls again. I'm trying to grasp the mechanics, I noticed that on humongous map, with many many nations, there was more room for dynamics, but even there there's a "rolling ball" effect, where if once denounces you, they all - and I mean all denounce you. Either you never ever poke or push anybody, ever, for any reason, or everybody denounces you, and denounce you forever.