Right now, you can take an operator with a beast assault rifle and heavy armour, and caveira will completely **** you up in ONE shot, when logically caveira shouldn't even have a chance with that pistol, it's so broken and unfair, it inserts an element of complete magic and nonsense into the game. If you do this, you will see a whole lot more people who will accept being interrogated, because it will feel much more fair and balanced. Very easy fix, give her a tranquillizer pistol which downs in one shot and is similar to the stim pistol and make the interrogation show the attackers with pings, like alibi, not wallhack like lion. Caveira has more firepower than several shotgun operators, is completely silent when moving and doesn't give a damn about jackal, maybe in pro league she's not that strong, I agree, but for 99% of the player base she's absurdly op and you're blind if you can't see this, seriously. This gun will give you the confidence you want to take any 1v1 and win it most of the time as long as you are hitting your shots, you should be more than fine, after all this is the best gun in the game.I do it too, and I don't feel guilty at all, a 9mm pistol cannot down me with 1 shot, it's just unbearable and stupid.

Arguably the best gun in the game, the AK-12 has everything you wish for, great damage, amazing rate of fire, and good recoil control, the only downside this gun had before was the fact that it was with a below-average operator such as Fuze, but this changed when Ace came to the siege team since he also got the AK-12 for his loadout, and that what’s makes him a good operator.