Tip, android gameplay secrets: rare earth foams cheats - scarce and difficult to manipulate, specialized Unfallen can nonetheless extract the rare earth metals from deep underground. Xenobiology ( technology - science and exploration hack) - studies of sail samples from other planets, when combined with advances in understanding of extremophilic bacteria, permit scientists to create the conditions necessary to enable Unfallen roots to take hold in frozen ground. In addition, crops will be able to grow in extremes of temperature and sail quality.

Sustainable farms (food cheats) - advanced in sait biology have opened the gate to new, low impact farming methods that reduce the need for water, fertilizer, and sunlight. Intensive cultivation ( food hack) - work an accelerated evolution of crops combined with genetic modification radically improves food output while increasing pest resistance. Drone networks - operating independent of terrain, weather, and transportation infrastructure, squadrons of drones can deliver materials across a planet in a fraction of the time required by traditional methods - whether they are sowing seeds or supplying raw materials. The boost to science and productivity is worth the surprising effect of an occasional bizarre dream excerpt from a user who has dozer off. Cerebral reality (system improvement) - this extension of VR entertainment technology permits many individuals to think, rather than play, together. The Vineship must stay in position until the Vine reaches the system. Impact Beacon (fleet action) - will summon a vine from an adjacent “entwined” system.